16-lesson online self-study course on Maharishi Yoga Asanas and Pranayama.
“With each asana I move to a gentle stretch, hold, feel the stretch loosen and bliss flows through and around my whole body.”
This is a 16-lesson companion course to the free weekly Group Asanas.
Each lesson is about 1 hour 15 minutes in length and you can view them at your convenience for one year.
Free First Class: You can view the first lesson here.
Free Online Group Instruction and Practice of Maharishi YogaSM Asanas and Pranayama:
Every Friday at 5:00 pm ET (60 min.) 4:00 pm CT | 3:00 pm MT | 2:00 pm PT followed by a 20-minute Online Group Meditation.
Led by Maharishi International University faculty.
Sign Up for the Free Group Asana Practice
Course Leaders:
Paul Morehead, PhD
with Karen Kouider, Simon Rodriguez,
Claudia Rodriguez, Sankari Wegman,
Grace Caputo, and more.
This course is suitable both for beginners
as well as for people who are already
accustomed to Yoga exercise.
Course Fee:
$350. Or $125 for full-time MIU or Maharishi School staff, faculty, and students, or full-time TM® Teachers, IAA grant recipients, and anyone who is retired and on a fixed income and cannot otherwise afford the course. This discounted rate is also for anyone who attended at least 50 of the live Yoga Asanas sessions.
Course Description
In this 16-lesson course, you will:
- Understand the nature of Yoga—the unification of individual and Cosmic life.
- Practice Yoga postures (Asana) and breathing exercises (Pranayama) that promote integration of mind and body, supporting health by bringing life into harmony with Natural Law.
- Learn about the influence of each posture on your physiology, from the perspectives of both modern science and Maharishi Vedic ScienceSM.
This course is suitable both for beginners as well as for people who are already accustomed to Yoga exercise. At the end of each lesson there is an opportunity to do the asanas as you view the videos. You can also email questions to ce@miu.edu.
Sample Chart of Lesson 3
More topics include:
- Yoga and the integration of all aspects of life
- Enlivening the intelligence in all levels of the physiology
- Bhagavad-Gita as the supreme textbook of Yoga
- Scientific research validating the benefits of Yoga exercises
- Discovery of Veda and the Vedic Literature in human physiology
- Developing the State of Yoga through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® Programs: Higher States of Consciousness — the fulfillment of the practice of Maharishi Yoga
Lesson Titles
- Lesson 1: Introduction to the First Course on Maharishi Yoga Āsanas
- Lesson 2: Maharishi Yoga Āsanas: Sthir Sukham Āsanam–The State of Pleasant Steadiness–Settled Awareness
- Lesson 3: Maharishi Yoga Āsanas: The Value of Attention in Enlivening the Flow of Intelligence to Create Perfect Balance
- Lesson 4: Maharishi Yoga Āsanas as an Integrated Part of One’s Daily Routine
- Lesson 5: Wholesome Food to Support the Practice of Yoga
- Lesson 6: Bhagavad-Gītā: The Supreme Textbook of Yoga
- Lesson 7: Ashtānga Yoga: Integration of All Values of Lifeto Live Total Potential of Mind and Bodyin Daily Life
- Lesson 8: Prānāyāma: Connecting Every Breath of Individual Lifewith the Soft Breath of Cosmic Life
- Lesson 9: Rules of Conduct: Yama and Niyama
- Lesson 10: Developing the State of Yoga through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programs
- Lesson 11: Discovery of Veda and the Vedic Literature in Human Physiology: Enlivening the Inner Intelligence of the Body
- Lesson 12: Understanding the Basis of the Benefits of Yoga Āsanas According to Modern Physiology
- Lesson 13: Maharishi’s Vedic Science and Technology: Expressing the Total Value of Yoga: Introduction to the Science and Technology of Yoga — Rk Veda
- Lesson 14: Higher States of Consciousness: The Fulfilment of the Practice of Maharishi Yoga
- Lesson 15: Enlivening the Unifying Quality of Yoga in Society:The Maharishi Effect
- Lesson 16: Validation of the Benefits of Yoga Āsanas from the Vedic Literature and Health Benefits of Maharishi Yoga Āsanas
Course Leader

Paul Morehead, PhD
Paul Morehead, PhD is Associate Dean of the Maharishi College of Perfect Health at MIU and has been teaching Maharishi AyurVeda® for over 28 years. Dr. Morehead helped develop the undergraduate programs in the Physiology and Health Department at MIU and taught many of the courses, including Self Pulse Reading, Maharishi Yoga Asanas, Diet Digestion and Nutrition, Prevention, Human Physiology and Veda in Human Physiology.
Other teachers include Simon Rodriguez, Claudia Rodriguez, Sankari Wegman, and Grace Caputo.
“I grew in many ways from this course. My body is transforming into a healthier more flexible body. I loved learning all the benefits and all the course had to offer. I learned asanas way back in the early 70’s but I love how this course delves deep into the whys, the names and the benefits.” —LL
“I used to feel when I meditated that my mind transcended pulling my body with it, but now it’s the other way around. The bliss starts before I even close my eyes to meditate.” —SR
“I’ve practiced asanas for many years, and got good results. But during the course, I learned things that I never knew. And the results have been striking for my inner experience. I never expected to get results similar to what I previously only experienced in meditation.” —MH
“Asanas have taken a new meaning in my life. Each asana brings a wave of pleasant unboundedness, lightness and bliss. I perform the asana but my body is just consciousness moving within itself.” —Anon
“Yoga Asanas are flowing so easily now… like as being in a bubble of softness and light.” —CP
“Blissful and inspiring! This course completely renewed my enthusiasm for doing asanas and pranayama regularly and properly.” —ML
“This course taught me how to do asanas carefully and correctly and in a relaxing and invigorating way. I am becoming more flexible and looking forward to long-lasting good health.” —SR
“This course is the best thing I’ve ever done! Months later I am getting ripples of aha’s!” —GC
Are there any prerequisites to take this course?
The prerequisite for this course is completion of the TM course.
How long are the videos available to view?
Videos are available to view for at least one year after signing up.
Where can I contact the organizer of this event with any questions?
Please email the Office of Continuing Education at ce@miu.edu. Or you can call 641-919-0045 during office hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (Central Time).
What is the refund policy?
We offer full refunds to anyone who requests them before starting the second class.