Ayurvedic Cooking for Perfect Health


10-lesson self-study course with many recipes and bonus course materials – free preview below!

Even as someone with an aversion to cooking, I was drawn in by the simplicity of this course combined with the richness of the benefits of Ayurvedic cooking. I found myself more knowledgeable on the science of a healthy life and equipped with new cooking skills!”   —JR

Higher States of Consciousness 16-Lesson Course Banner

Maharishi AyurVeda® is a holistic system of health and healing. Utilizing the laws of nature, it aims to create health and balance in the mind and body. Food is an important aspect of this system and this course explores how to improve and maintain good health by cooking and eating delicious Ayurvedic meals. Ayurvedic experts and master chefs discuss the best ingredients, cooking techniques, and recipes for a balanced vegetarian diet.

Course Leaders: Sankari Wegman, PhD and many special guests.

Prerequisites: None.

Course Description

The joys and benefits of cooking using Ayurvedic principles are explored in this 10-lesson course and includes:

  • Step-by-step video instructions
  • Healthy, easy, and delicious recipes
  • Explanations of the benefits that each meal bestows.

Presented in a cooking show format, the featured chefs create over 35 dishes from a variety of international recipes including breakfast foods, soups, salads, main dishes, and desserts. There are also recipes and food preparation techniques designed specifically for children, and quick meals for the busy person on the go. Recipes are provided beyond what is demonstrated in the course.


Sankari Wegman, PhD is Assistant Professor, College of Integrative Medicine, at Maharishi International University.

Sankari has a life-long interest in empowering people to live their optimal health. She has a PhD in Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine from MIU and has been a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program for 20 years. She is also on the Board of Trustees at the Maharishi School and gives lectures on Ayurveda at universities and high schools throughout the country.


Lesson 1: Cooking Basics  Introduction and How to Make Kitchari

Download the Recipe for Kitchari
Discover your Dosha
Ayurvedic Principles and How to Make Rose Coconut Pudding

Lesson 2: Ayurveda and Balancing the Doshas
Panir, Ghee, and Lassi: Three Ayurvedic Basics
Overview of the Three Doshas
Oatmeal Pancakes and Dried Fruit Nut Spread
Interview: Seed to Table Program at Maharishi School
Interview: Super Healthy Kids Co-author Linda Egenes

Lesson 3: Ayurvedic Principles for Pacifying Vata
Vata-Pacifying Diet
A Quick and Healthy Vata-Pacifying Lunch
Simple and Quick Vegetables and Grain Dishes
Delicious Ayurvedic Breakfast
Expert Interview with Dr. Paul Morehead: Diet Based on Doshas in Ayurveda
Interview with Rogers Badgett: The Raj Maharishi AyurVeda® Health Spa

Lesson 4: Ayurvedic Principles for Pacifying Pitta
Pitta-Pacifying Diet
Interview with Shelley Gratzon: Applying Ayurvedic Principles for Children
Pitta-Pacifying Recipes with Chef Mangal: Quinoa Salad, Poached Pear with Blueberry Sauce
Nut Grain Burgers with Chef Domnick
Expert Interview with Dr. Paul Morehead: Three Doshas in Ayurveda

Lesson 5: Ayurvedic Principles for Pacifying Kapha
Kapha-Pacifying Diet
Khir, Chickpea Curry, Butternut Squash, Chapatis with Pathu Nayagar
Cauliflower Balls and Spaghetti with Green Sauce with Diana Fleischman
Interview: Super Healthy Kids Co-author Linda Egenes
Interview with Karen DeAngelis: The Maharishi School Seed to Table Program

Lesson 6: The Six Tastes
Six Tastes
Eggless Power Muffins with Chef Domnick
Adzuki Bean Chili Wrap & Salad with Chef Domnick
Expert Interview with Dr. Paul Morehead: The Six Tastes
Interview with Rogers Badgett from The Raj Maharishi AyurVeda Health Spa: Discussion on Diet

Lesson 7: The Qualities of Food
The Six Qualities of Food
Buttermilk Vegetable Curry and Lemon Rice with Pathu Nayagar
Energy Bites and Granola with Shelly Gratzon
Bliss Balls with Shelley Gratzon
Interview: Linda Egenes, Co-author of Super Healthy Kids
Interview with Shelley Gratzon: Hiding Vegetables

Lesson 8: Improving Digestion
Guidelines for Optimum Digestion
Spinach Panir, Rice, and Laddu with Pathu Nayagar
Stuffed Zucchini with Herbal Green Sauce with Chef Mangal
Expert Interview with Dr. Paul Morehead: Digestion in Ayurveda
Interview with Laurie Baumann: The Maharishi School Seed to Table program
Bonus Recipe for Cilantro-Cashew Chutney

Lesson 9: Cycles of Nature
Three Doshas in Nature
Lentil-Buckwheat Loaf, Squash Soup, Green Beans, Coriander Chutney with Jan Thatcher
Homemade Vata Tea with Sultan Salah
Expert Interview with Dr. Mark Toomey: Aiming for Balance

Lesson 10: Nutritionally Complete Vegetarian Meals
Pesto Pasta with Vegetables and Panir; and Fruit Crisp with Chef Domnick
Fennel in Coconut Sauce with Mangal Tamang
Interview with Karen DeAngelis: The Maharishi School Seed to Table Program


What is the refund policy?
We offer full refunds to anyone who requests it before they view the third lesson. So, please decide if you want to continue with the course by the end of viewing the second lesson. To request a refund, please email ce@miu.edu.

How long are the videos available to view?
Videos are available to view for one year.

Where can I contact the organizer of this event with any questions?
Please email the Office of Continuing Education at ce@miu.edu. Or you can call 641-919-0045 during office hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (Central Time).

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